Participate in the Project Team meeting(s) conducted in-person or via online communication tools such as Gotomeeting,



Participate in the Project Team meeting(s) conducted in-person or via online communication tools such as Gotomeeting, Google Hangouts, Skype, GroupMe and others. Turn in a complete Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) that illustrates the actual structure of the database that is also submitted. The ERD submitted must perfectly match the actual database submitted. This diagram will allow for testing and grading of the Project Sample Database that is submitted. Paste the Lucidchart (preferred) or Visio ER Diagram into a Microsoft Word document. Make sure the text in the ERD is legible at 100 percent zoom. Create a sample database in Microsoft Access with the tables and relationships required to support your team's design. Each table of the Access database must contain at least all of the attributes that were submitted in your ERD team project deliverable. Populate the tables in your database with at least 30 rows of TEST data (no actual student, employer, or other security-sensitive data. ). Make sure that the data is of the proper data type and is appropriate to the subject matter (e.g. legal client data for a law firm's operational database, etc.). While the data is "dummy data," make sure it is appropriate for the SQL Queries assignment. For example, a field like FIRST_NAME should have entries with fictional people's first names, not colors, shapes, or something else. Please use appropriate names e.g. FIRST_NAME: Sheila LAST_NAME: Winters NOT FIRST_NAME: Red LAST_NAME: Blue.

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