Pick a medium to large-sized organization of your choice (for which data/information for reference is available to research) – therein pick a brand, product line, product that interests you. Your work in Sections 1, 2, 3 entails shadowing this choice and



Pick a medium to large-sized organization of your choice (for which data/information for reference is available to research) – therein pick a brand, product line, product that interests you. Your work in Sections 1, 2, 3 entails shadowing this choice and detailing the respective marketing mix elements being implemented by the organization for this offering*. IMPORTANT: It is absolutely necessary to “Integrate the pertinent aspects of connected theoretical material from the respective topics” within your discourse in each section. If all relevant information cannot be available for the product/brand chosen by you, interject your intelligence and insights within your discourse throughout this assignment to complete your descriptions. Section 1 Using the new product development (NPD) framework, illustrate how the organization chosen by you manages or has managed the 'new product development process' for the particular offering* as picked by you. 

Explain in accordance each of the ‘stages involved in the NPD process’, mainly such as idea generation/screening & concept testing, marketing research & business analysis, market testing, commercialization, etc. as applicable – your discourse must cover the different constituents involved in each of these NPD stages. Section 2 Discuss the different promotional elements being used by the firm in executing the ‘promotions mix’ [activities like advertising, professional selling, sales promotions, direct targeting, public relations, etc.] for the particular offering* as picked by you. 

Develop and Explain the IMC ‘TouchPoint Diagram’ showing this promotions mix – the goal is to synchronously integrate these IMC activities, so as to leverage the unique traits of each medium and ‘cohesively’ optimize the full impact of their message.. Discuss, if possible, aspects of the intended message, suited appeal, reach & frequency of exposures, along with the IMC budgeting approaches used by the firm for this product Section 3 Map the organization’s marketing channels and distribution framework for the particular offering* as picked by you. In particular, describe the different ‘channel functions’ of transactional, logistical, and facilitative types [pertaining to production, communication, ownership, inventory, transit ‘functions’] being performed by respective/connected intermediaries within these channels for managing the logistical network of this product. Thereafter, discuss, if applicable, the role of electronic commerce and the internet as an emergent or prominent channel in your chosen firm's distribution system. Important: don't choice Coca-Cola or Pepsi and Kraft Foods.

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