powerpoint presentation on Commercial Loan officer. After the title page of your presentation, Introduce your topic on a new slide - summarize the project's topic On a separate slide, describe your field of study or career interest - explain how the p



powerpoint presentation on Commercial Loan officer. After the title page of your presentation, Introduce your topic on a new slide - summarize the project's topic On a separate slide, describe your field of study or career interest - explain how the project's topic relates to your discipline or career interest Provide cited facts about potential salary, work conditions, type of activities included, or other details you have selected, using four (4) or more varied sources. Provide at least four (4) source citations. Do not include generic web sources such as Wikipedia or About.com Do not just list the source at the bottom of the slide if you are using APA or MLA, it must be an in-text citation. Include a Reference (Works Cited, Bibliography) page/slide at the end of your presentation. In addition to an audio-narrated presentation, include at least two (2) more different media forms that enhance your presentation: images, graphics, animation, videos, or audio. see attached grading rubric

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