Present an example of an unsound valid deductive argument and a sound valid deductive argument from the media. Outline both arguments presenting the premises and the conclusions of both. Explain why you believe the arguments are sound and unsound. Include



Present an example of an unsound valid deductive argument and a sound valid deductive argument from the media. Outline both arguments presenting the premises and the conclusions of both. Explain why you believe the arguments are sound and unsound. Include a URL to the arguments drawn from a media source. You may draw from the week’s required multimedia for examples. If you are unable to locate examples from the media, you may identify arguments from your life. After you have presented your deductive examples, present an example of an inductive argument from the media and determine whether it is strong or weak. Explain your reasoning about why it is strong or weak, and then explain how the argument might be strengthened. Include a URL to the argument drawn from a media source. If you are unable to locate examples from the media, you may identify an argument from your life.

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