Product placement and advertising over the years has invaded everything from the sidewalks we walk on, the roads we drive on, and this is especially so when it comes to the television that we watch. You could say that advertisement and T.V. have become sy



Product placement and advertising over the years has invaded everything from the sidewalks we walk on, the roads we drive on, and this is especially so when it comes to the television that we watch. You could say that advertisement and T.V. have become synonymous with one another. Nowadays, we can say It isn’t out of the ordinary to see advertisements constantly flashing across our television screen and vice-versa, associative television personas appear on our advertisements. As fully developed adults advertising greatly affects our choices. Imagine the impact that these advertisements have on children. 

Cartoon personalities find there way on to the cartons of food products that we hand to children on a consistent basis. For a child, cartoons play a significant role on the decisions they make regarding their daily food choices. Heres the cites: Kraak, V. I., and M. Story. "Influence Of Food Companies' Brand Mascots And Entertainment Companies' Cartoon Media Characters On Children's Diet And Health: A Systematic Review And Research Needs." Obesity Reviews 16.2 (2015): 107-126. Academic Search Complete. Web. 11 Apr. 2016. Mizerski, Richard. “The Relationship Between Cartoon Trade Character Recognition and Attitude Toward Product Category in Young Children”. Journal of Marketing 59.4 (1995): 58–70. Web... Kraak, V. I., and M. Story. "An Accountability Evaluation For The Industry's Responsible Use Of Brand Mascots And Licensed Media Characters To Market A Healthy Diet To American Children." Obesity Reviews 16.6 (2015): 433-453. Academic Search Complete. Web. 11 Apr. 2016. Corbett, Clare, and Colin Walker. "Catchy Cartoons, Wayward Websites And Mobile Marketing - Food Marketing To Children In A Global World." Education Review 21.2 (2009): 84-92. Education Research Complete. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.

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