Provide your thoughts on the fundamental strategic issues facing the industry in which your organization exists. Compare the performance of your company against the industry within which it operates using either the Morningstar Database Industry Return on



Provide your thoughts on the fundamental strategic issues facing the industry in which your organization exists. Compare the performance of your company against the industry within which it operates using either the Morningstar Database Industry Return on Investment or (“Interactive chart” “Comparison” tool) if you are in a publically listed company or use a similar publically listed company or some other performance measure if you are not. (It appears that Morningstar has taken down the Industry Return on Investment database. Individual company information is available on both Morningstar and Yahoo Finance, not a ready comparison of industries over time. Consider the following alternative data source: Additional resources are available for those interested in learning more about performance factors for Government and Non-profit sectors. Please cover the following questions in your response.

 PLEASE USE THE AEORSPACE COMPANY LOCKHEED MARTIN TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Industry Perspective Do some industries have better evolution of the stock value than others? Why? Search for your organization or a similar one and compare its evolution for the longest possible period to the main stock indicators (Dow, NASDAQ, S&P500) and competitive firms. Do some industries have inherently better profitability, growth and market value than others? Identify common key performance indicators used within your industry. Compare for your firm these key factors. .What effect do different industries have on one another’s overall performance? Provide arguments and examples to justify your response. Company Perspective Is your organization performing well against the others in its industry? Provide arguments and examples to justify your response. What factors explain the differences in company performance in the same industry How can some companies in poorly performing industries still do well? Thank you yamini! 

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