Read the articles and view the videos above and answer the following below listed questions: Software development methodology differs from company to company, although there are techniques and methodologies used to insure quality and performance of a software system. There is no perfect system or methodology. Bugs and problems always occur. The Killer Robot case is the quintessential ethics scenario from the Online Ethics Center for Engineering & Science. The case begins with the manslaughter indictment of a robotics programmer whose faulty code may have caused the death of a factory worker that operated the robot.
Today robots and robotic systems are used on assembly lines, in the military and police, drug manufacturing and human body parts. We all have heard of Siri and Roomba. New and exciting uses for robots are being developed. South Korea has created a robotic code of ethics. Do you think there should be an ethical code for robots and robotic systems? Do you think there should be an ethical code for robotic engineers, designers and corporations? Do you think engineers, programmers and companies should be held responsible if their robots run amuck and hurt someone? Does it matter if they are not “professionals”? Do you think robots should be used by the US government to replace soldiers in a time of war? Where else does the military use robots? Do you think robots should be used to assist in caretaking of the sick, elderly and children? Do you think robotic replacement parts should be used in humans? What special design and testing would need to be done? Can you think of other ethical considerations of using robots and robotics? Give your opinion and some examples.
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