Reread the quantitative research article you chose for Part 1, paying special attention to the methods section, which describes how the research was conducted. Make sure you understand the research terminology used in the article. If there are any research terms you do not understand, use the course resources to learn about these. Directions Complete the following on 6–8 pages: Begin your paper with an introduction that explains the purpose of the paper and its contents. Provide an overview of the quantitative methodology, including its philosophical perspectives, goals, and purpose. Identify which quantitative approach the researchers used and what characteristics of the research demonstrate this approach. Evaluate the overall strengths and limitations of quantitative research. Describe and evaluate the sampling procedure, including both strengths and limitations. Discuss what you might have done differently in sampling participants for this study, and provide a rationale. Describe and evaluate the data collection, including both strengths and limitations. Discuss what you might have done differently in the data collection, and provide a rationale.
Describe what is meant by internal validity and external validity in quantitative research, and analyze the internal and external validity of this research study. Evaluate how well the researchers designed this study so that it answered the research question or questions. End your paper with a summary and conclusion. Additional Requirements As much as possible, the assessment should be written in your own words, paraphrased and properly cited in current APA style. If you need to quote, do so sparingly, and make sure you have cited quotes in current APA style. Your assignments need to demonstrate your understanding of the material, not how well you can quote someone else's work. Write in a professional tone without writing errors. Make sure your assessment is 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including the title page or references, with 1-inch margins. An abstract is not required. Include an APA style references section. Use APA style headings to organize your paper. Must include: Evaluate the overall strengths and limitations of quantitative research. Describe the sample and the sampling procedures, and evaluate whether they are appropriate for quantitative methodology.Describe the data collection procedures and instruments, and evaluate whether they are appropriate for quantitative methodology.Analyze the internal and external validity of the research study.
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