RESEARCH-BASED PERSUASIVE REPORT For this class, write a persuasive report for decision and implementation (action). That is, show that a problem exists and propose a solution to the problem; you might suggest a change in policy.



RESEARCH-BASED PERSUASIVE REPORT For this class, write a persuasive report for decision and implementation (action). That is, show that a problem exists and propose a solution to the problem; you might suggest a change in policy. Assume the audience to be a decision maker who is your immediate supervisor or level higher, including a leader, executive or CEO. The workplace can be a fictional one rooted in your major, not your actual employer. Choose a topic that requires research: printed books and articles or articles from databases and websites, or possibly in-house documents (consult with me if you plan to use in-house documents). The assignment gives you practice in gathering information, taking notes, planning and focusing a large formal report for an intended audience, writing and revising, and documenting sources. Your report should contain the following parts:

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