Review the following article “Validation of physician billing and
hospitalization data to identify patients with ischemic heart disease using
data from the Electronic Medical Record Administrative data Linked Database
and answer the 10 basic questions in a Word document - please expand on
your answers and don't just answer 'yes' or 'no':
1. Is the question the study is trying to answer relevant?
2. Does the study provide any new information?
3. What is the study’s research question?
4. Was the Study design appropriate for the Research Question? Which method
was used?
5. Did the research methodology address specific sources of Bias? Give some
6. Did the Study address the original intent of the question being asked?
Was it done correctly?
7. Is a hypothesis indicated or tested?
8. Was the analysis done correctly?
9. Were the conclusions justified by the collected date or analysis done?
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