Search online for information about the Nuremberg Trials. Find at least 3 good sources of information. In one paragraph, summarize the events of the Nuremberg Trials, making sure to identify the moral outcome.



Search online for information about the Nuremberg Trials. Find at least 3 good sources of information. In one paragraph, summarize the events of the Nuremberg Trials, making sure to identify the moral outcome. Then, in another paragraph, analyze these outcomes in relation to the theory we studied this past week. Would consequentialism provide the same outcomes, or different outcomes, and why? Responses should be two paragraphs in length.Submit both paragraphs and the URLs of your three sources as one file--REMEMBER TO USE APA FORMAT TO CREATE A PROPER REFERENCES PAGE.Please note that your responses are graded both on content AND grammar, spelling, and organization of ideas. See 'Rubrics' on the Course Menu for more detailed information on Journal grading.

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