Secondary literature employed must be referenced and also listed at the end of the assignment in a List of Sources. Consult the referencing conventions supplied in the History Department booklet Making the Grade 2008 edition. NB Unreferenced essays will a



Secondary literature employed must be referenced and also listed at the end of the assignment in a List of Sources. Consult the referencing conventions supplied in the History Department booklet Making the Grade 2008 edition. NB Unreferenced essays will automatically fail,so it must have reference. Discuss the significance of disease in the development of the Atlantic world, 1500-1800. All essays must contain reference to at least 12 secondary sources, viz.: at least 10 relevant scholarly books or articles; no more than two Internet sources of any kind (this limitation does not include electronic versions of scholarly books or articles). The research essay will be graded according to the marking criteria below.

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