Self-Care Nursing Concept



I need help in writing my concept analysis theory paper. This week I'm working every day and need help. I'm taking course NR501 at Chamberlain College of Nursing. The paper should be 8-10 pages long with at least 6 scholarly sources from 5 years or less. The pages do not include the title and reference pages.  The paper needs to be in APA format. The concept analysis I have chosen is self-care by Dorthea Orem's Theory. I have attached the guidelines and rubric for this assignment.

NR501 Concept Analysis Guidelines and Rubric


This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to complete a concept analysis of a concept found

in a nursing theory using an identified process. The assignment fosters analytical thinking related to the

selected concept as well as an application within the profession.


Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

 (CO#1) Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components,

relationships among the components, the logic of the propositions, comprehensiveness, and utility to

advanced nursing. (PO1)

 (CO#3) Communicate the analysis of and proposed strategies for the use of a theory in nursing

practice. (PO3, 7, 10)


 Demonstrate logical and creative thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing

practice. (PO4. 7)

DUE DATE Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 4

Total Points Possible: 250 Points


Description of the Assignment

This assignment presents a modified method for conducting a concept analysis of ONE concept found in a

nursing theory. The source of the concept for this assignment must be a published nursing theory. The

selected concept is identified and then the elements of the analysis process are applied in order to

synthesize knowledge for application within the model and alternative cases. Non-nursing theories may

NOT be used. The paper concludes with a synthesis of the student’s new knowledge about the concept. The

scholarly literature is incorporated throughout the analysis.

Only the elements identified in this assignment should be used for this concept analysis.

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