Subject: Olfactory sense Olfactory sense or the sense of smell is actually a process that helps in detecting different kinds of smell through numerous nerve endings which are actually located on tiny hairs in the nostrils and in usual and normal condition



Subject: Olfactory sense Olfactory sense or the sense of smell is actually a process that helps in detecting different kinds of smell through numerous nerve endings which are actually located on tiny hairs in the nostrils and in usual and normal conditions these receptors, while functioning normally, allow a person to appropriately smell in his/her concerned environment (“The Olfactory (Smell) Sense”, n.d.). The olfactory sense helps a person to distinguish between different forms of smell which include the distinction between a sweet fragrance and an obnoxious smell. It can be interesting to learn that the receptors that are responsible for enhancing the olfactory sense are also “able to habituate their sense of smelling, to forget the annoying smells, like manure, after being exposed to them for a long period of time” (“The Olfactory (Smell) Sense”, n.d.). (133 words) References The Olfactory (Smell) Sense (n.d.). Impact on the Senses. Retrieved November 23, 2014, from  Attach here a succinct but thorough 300 word summary of your final paper. At the end of the summary, list the paper's key points. The paper will be graded in part for the degree to which it actually addresses these points and how well, so be sure not to just skim through materials in order to throw something together for this part of the assignment.

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