System/Software Process and Quality Characteristics Topic 1 ISO 9126 System Quality Characteristics Quality characteristics apply equally to hardware and software. Pick any two ISO 9126 System Quality Characteristics (do not forget the Sub Characteristics



System/Software Process and Quality Characteristics Topic 1 ISO 9126 System Quality Characteristics Quality characteristics apply equally to hardware and software. Pick any two ISO 9126 System Quality Characteristics (do not forget the Sub Characteristics) from the list below and describe how they apply to the system development process: 1. Functionality 4. Reliability 2. Usability 5. Efficiency 3. Maintainability 6. Portability Topic 2 Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Models (CMM) Describe how the SEI Capability Maturity Models (Software (CMM-S) or Integration (CMM-I)) apply to the System Development Process. Do not restate the definition of each level within the model. Also indicate whether or not your company participates in the Capability Maturity Model and if so, what level they have achieved. Topic 3 What role do ‘Standards’ play in the System Development process? You may address system, software, or hardware standards. Give one or two examples of ‘standards’ that apply in your line of work.

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