The Benefits of Higher Education.



The Benefits of Higher Education

Sitting in college’s classroom, I start to thinking about why I am sitting here for

higher education. When I was young, my mom made me to think that everyone ought to

attend education step by step. So, I never considered about what can I do if I did not

attend college. However, when teacher asked me that the reason why I attend college, I

cannot list even one reason. According to Harris who points out in his article that

“Education must elicit from the pupil what is latent in every human being” (1). However,

my thought is slightly different from him; I believed that compared to find out the

internal potential of student, figure out what students truly interested in is more crucial.

After considered about why I am sitting in college classroom, I found out three roles of

higher education. In my opinion, I believed that higher education can help individuals to

build social connection and self-confident, and can help students to figure out their

interest of study. (In my opinion, without the advantage of help individuals to build social

connection and self-confident, moreover help students to figure out their interest of study,

college will lose most of their students.)

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