The essays should be well documented. Every phrase should have its reference if it is not your own.



The essays should be well documented. Every phrase should have its reference if it is not your own. Do not just list a number of websites and references that are not documented in the essay; this is not enough for documentation.



1. Write an essay discussing A and B below.

Being religious implies a relationship with God. A variety of qualifications have been attributed to describe that relationship like:

  1. an impersonal relationship like:

                             assenting to a particular belief-system…. A theoretical relationship
                             consenting to a prescribed morality pattern……following a set of moral duties
                             changing and improving one's behavior…… be a nice and good individual
                             practicing regular rituals of worship……following a set of religious duties from a book

                    b. a personal relationship ….. mutual love and intimacy and what entails of that in a relationship


  A. Explain what it means to be a Muslim. Describe the relationship between a Muslim and God. (this might help)

  B. Explain what it means to be a Christian. Describe the relationship between a Christian and God.

John 6: 39-40 ‘come to me’. Refer to other situations where Jesus tells people to ‘follow’ him.(this might be of help)

Feel free to refer to the list of qualifications I included for you above in (a) and (b) but do not limit yourself to those.

Feel free to refer to your own experience in case you find that helpful. 

Your essay should be around 1000 words.





“Variant texts of the Koran and New Testament have their effect on the veracity of the revelation of these books and religions.”

Evaluate the above statement in an essay.

In your answer you:

• should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement

• should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view; that is include opinions that do not support the statement.

• should refer to religious arguments • may refer to non-religious arguments

• should reach a justified conclusion.

You might like to start by establishing the nature of revelation in Islam and that in Christianity and then proceed to the assessment of the above statement. Your essay should be around 1000 words.

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