Learning Activity #1
The perspective of the leader in the 21st century is focused on inspiring people to move toward the
vision of the organization. One critical way to move people is to develop a leadership style which has
room to change depending on the situation. Because “vision” works on multiple levels; the individual,
department, division, and organization as a whole, the need to inspire people on all levels requires the
personal development of a leadership style. Moreover, the style should fit and change with the people
who connect with the leader on any given level.
Part one:
Read the material in Content for week two.
Take the leadership style assessment in the Kent article and determine what your current style is.
Evaluate your results and determine how you can change or improve your style to fit the “successful
21 st leadership style”. In your evaluation explain how the reading material describes the successful
leadership styles for the 21 st century and how your style relates to those characteristics. Use at least 3
reading materials to support your evaluation.
Part two:
Once you have evaluated your style in relationship to the needs of the 21 st century leader, take the
analysis one step beyond and determine in what situations your style works best and where it does
not. For those situations where your style is not a good fit suggest how you would handle the
situation in another way. For example would you get someone else to handle the situation on your
behalf and why is that a better solution? Or would you adapt yourself to a new style? Explain your
ideas using primary sources to support your thinking.
Learning Activity #2
You are the owner of a small company which is looking to expand its shipping and logistics department.
You have developed a new Internet line which is taking off and you have several large orders to fill. You
wish to hire a manager for the department who is experienced with international shipping. You
currently have two other managers Joan and Fritz that handle order fulfillment and packaging. You have
envisioned a straight line team process with all managers having equal decision making authority within
the team. The shipping team must work together well. Joan’s department is good at getting the orders
together while Fritz is still struggling with getting the packing department to work with him. The new
manager has to act as team leader and get things working smoothly from beginning of the order to
Identify which characteristics your new employee should have. Describe those characteristics the new
manager should possess and why. Address the roles and characteristics of the 21 st century manager
and leader. How they work together and how they are different.
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