The primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emerging technology. The team will produce a formal research paper in APA format, with each team member contributing no less than 6-7 pages of text PER STUDENT.

technical writing


The primary focus of the team is to research and assess the issues associated with a specific emerging technology. The team will produce a formal research paper in APA format, with each team member contributing no less than 6-7 pages of text PER STUDENT. Thesis Statement: The inclusion of plumbing technology into the history of civilization has had such a profound impact on society that modern culture is now dependent upon and cannot function without it. Using this outline: A.Water treatment 1.How the system works 2.Safety of water systems 3.Sanitation B.Pollution control C.Legislative & regulatory issues 1.Laws of plumbing & sewer standards D.Renewable energy technolog 1.Latest technology in the industry I need five sources

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