Proposal on P.T.A at P.S. 274(The New American Academy)
The P.T.A is the most power organization ran in a school. You need them functional in order to
move forward with school activities. The PTA offers a variety of programs designed
for parents as well as students. Tap into a Network. PTA functions are opportunities to meet
other parents and teachers, building rapport and discussing issues that are on your mind. You can
share ideas, concerns, and experiences. With times changing we have to use technology to reach
out to these parents.
Course Project
The project should follow the APA style of citing references in the text and on the bibliography page. No fewer than five references must be used for research and properly cited in the paper and in the bibliography.
Ensure correct spelling and grammar (use built-in tool with MS Word).
Credible reference sources are available through the DeVry Library and other sources. Please do not use Wikipedia.
The project must be 10–15 pages in length (excluding the cover page, table of contents, bibliography, and any attachments which includes images, tables or graphs), double spaced, using Times New Roman font, 12-point, using 1-inch margins and headings for the paper format requirements.
The table of contents for the Course Project:
PowerPoint Presentation
In addition to the paper, please include a PowerPoint presentation, including substantive speaker notes for each slide and add an audio track for each slide. Please include references (more than five) in the slides and have a separate bibliography at the end of the presentation.
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