The relationship between employers and employees and relationship is known as employee engagement.




The relationship between employers and employees and relationship is known as employee engagement. CIPD has defined employee engagement as “being positively present during the performance of work by willingly contributing intellectual effort, experiencing positive emotions and meaningful connections to other” .Employees should always be passionate about their works and create a clear impact on the activities and growth of an organization. Based on the organizational need, managerial associates make strategies for employee engagement. An organization can motivate employees through surveys, reward programs, development plans and other appreciation programs. To gain employees’ loyalty, most of the organizations run employee engagement programs through recruitment stage, employee branding, and onboarding (Mann and Harter, 2016, p.4). An organization always struggles to calculate the number of loyal employees because no clarity is available. For calculating employee engagement, management should evaluate the commitment level of employees and their happiness. For this study, ITC limited has been selected. ITC Limited is one of the biggest Indian companies. It has its main office in Kolkata, India. It started in 1910, and later it was known as ITC Limited in 1974 (Khan, 2018, p.3). It had revenue of $7.3 billion in 2019. It has a total number of 30,000 employees. This organization is chosen for this assignment because it manages a large number of employees in various departments. This assignment includes the problems of ITC Limited, which are faced because of a lack of employee engagement. This study also describes an action plan of ITC Limited, which supports this firm to address employee engagement problems.


In order to critically examine the employee engagement of ITC limited, this study gathers information from recent business studies, journals, books, and articles. These secondary sources help to find the role of employee engagement in ITC and any current issues that affect engagement.


Challenges Currently Facing ITC Limited in the field of Employee Engagement

 ITC operates its administrative and production activities from diverse locations, whereas this company has three customer service centers, which assists customers efficiently to address their problems. Because of diverse locations, this organization is in trouble to manage its human resources. The administrative office and production factory are in the same geographical locations (Parida and Sundaray, 2019, p.6). ITC Limited grants a bonus to its factory workers but not to management personnel, which develops grievance among the administrative personnel. Apart from this, canteens are available in administrative offices but not in production units which also hampers the commitment level of workers in factories. These are the main reasons for witnessing a lack of employee engagement in this organization (Anbarasan, 2018, p.285). Without having the support of the administrative and production department, it is not possible for any organization to attain business objectives. However, it is unfortunate that ITC did not give promotional opportunities to the executives of the factory and administrative department. Due to this, employees feel de-motivated, which is adversely affecting their performance. In the customer service department of ITC, the executives work under huge pressure, and based on customers' visits, there sales package is fixed (Jain, 2017, p.158). After measuring the employee engagement, job insecurity has been observed in the managerial personnel. The staff has a feeling that they are underpaid compared to competitor companies, and they are not treated as assets to the organization. However, ITC takes several steps to address these problems. Managers communicate with workers and factory staff members regularly to eliminate misunderstanding and communication gaps. The company gives salary increment according to its employee productivity. ITC currently started incentive plans for the employees to encourage them.  Supervisors in the call center get incentives as per the sale of products, and this company also organizes recognition programs, like the employee of the month and others for encouraging executives of the customer service department (Mihalcea, 2017, p.303). 

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