The second paper will allow you to pick from one of the following topics for your comparative paper: decolonialism or the national leadership of an individual. Choose either de-colonialism OR individuals and find two examples of each in the period we've covered (examples: decolonialism in Vietnam and Algeria, or the impact of individuals like Hitler and Winston Churchill-for example). Then write a 1500 word essay comparing your examples. Consider what was similar? What was different? If you write about individuals, skip the biographical information (born, parents, grew up, etc.). Instead, focus on their leadership. How can we compare some of the accomplishments of these two individuals as heads of state? Requirements: Each of the examples must have a minimum of two sources for support--so four sources total for the paper. Do not use the textbook or Crash Course videos as sources. You may find some primary sources in the modules or at the following link: Also, take a look at the left-hand side of the page for more primary sources on various topics including individuals (which would fall under the country they are associated with). Lots of great stuff there! The other two sources must be academic secondary sources. You can find these at the FSW library (ebooks or the library's online history databases like JSTOR are perfect for this assignment). "Free" internet secondary sources are not allowed for this paper. If you use non-academic sources like Wikipedia your paper will be returned to you to revise--so use the library! If you have any questions about using a source, ask me! Librarian Jane Charles' fantastic research guide is a good place to start your research but feel free to call or email any of the libraries and ask for help finding sources. I
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