The task of this exercise is to predict the performance of students in a math course. Based
on these predictions, students in need of additional support are assigned to private lessons.
The files student-mat-train.Rdata and student-mat-test.Rdata contain data about
student achievements from Portuguese schools. They contain information about the math
grade, socio-economic characteristics of the students, and school related features. Table 1 contains the description of the variables (see
datasets/Student+Performance for a more detailed data description).
Table 1: Description of the Variables
Variable Description
G3 final math grade (numeric: from 1 to 20)
sex student’s sex (binary: 0 = male and 1 = female)
age student’s age (numeric: from 15 to 22)
address student’s home address type (binary: 0 = urban and 1 = rural)
Pstatus parent’s cohabitation status (binary: 0 = living together and 1 = apart)
Medu mother’s education (numeric: from 0 to 4)a
Fedu father’s education (numeric: from 0 to 4)a
famsize family size (binary: = 0 if 3 or less family members and = 1 if more than 3
family members)
famrel quality of family relationships (numeric: from 0 - very bad to 4 - excellent)
traveltime home to school travel time (numeric: = 0 if < 15 min, = 1 if 15 to 30 min,
= 2 if 30 min to 1 hour and = 3 if > 1 hour)
studytime weekly study time (numeric: = 0 if < 2 hours, = 1 if 2 to 5 hours, = 2 if
5 to 10 hours and = 3 if > 10 hours)
failures number of past class failures (numeric: = n if 0 n < 3, else = 4)
schoolsup extra educational school support (binary: = 0 if no and = 1 if yes)
famsup family educational support (binary: = 0 if no and = 1 if yes)
activities extra-curricular activities (binary: = 0 if no and = 1 if yes)
paid extra paid classes (binary: = 0 if no and = 1 if yes)
internet Internet access at home (binary: = 0 if no and = 1 if yes)
nursery attended nursery school (binary: = 0 if no and = 1 if yes)
higher wants to take higher education (binary: = 0 if no and = 1 if yes)
romantic with a romantic relationship (binary: = 0 if no and = 1 if yes)
freetime free time after school (numeric: from 0 - very low to 4 - very high)
goout going out with friends (numeric: from 0 - very low to 4 - very high)
Walc weekend alcohol consumption (numeric: from 0 - very low to 4 - very high)
Dalc workday alcohol consumption (numeric: from 0 - very low to 4 - very high)
health current health status (numeric: from 0 - very bad to 4 - very good)
absences number of school absences (numeric: from 0 to 93)
Note: a 0 = none, 1 = primary education (4th grade), 2 = 5th to 9th grade, 3 = secondary education or
4 = higher education