the uprisings and protests that began in 2010 and 2011 in Tunisia Attached is the bibliography and profile sources if needed.

social sciences


Paper will examine the uprisings and protests that began in 2010 and 2011 in Tunisia.  Attached is the bibliography and profile sources if needed.
Discuss the grievances of the people, i.e. the causes of the uprising and /or protests. 
This is not only the spark that started the uprising and or protests but also the underlying grievances that the people hoped to address through the uprising/protests.
Chronicle the major events during the uprising/protests. Profile at least two citizens of your country and explain their reaction to and involvement in the uprising/protests. 
You should provide a thorough description of these individuals and discuss their hopes for or fears of the uprising/protests and the extent to which these hopes or fears are realized.  In describing these citizens, you should mention such factors as age, economic status, and career.
Describe any changes made to the government and society as a result of the uprising/protests. Assess the extent to which the people’s grievances were resolved.
Your paper must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center and include at least 6 scholarly sources, including at least one primary source and two secondary sources.

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