This assessment is taking place as a Full Professional Practice Week.

computer science



Professional Practice Week 2



This assessment is taking place as a Full Professional Practice Week.


Your problem will be issued at 9 am Monday and you will submit by 9 am Friday. This means you have 4 working days to complete it. We assume that 4 working days means 7 hours per day (as if you are working a full time job, 9 am-5 pm with lunch break), and your tutor and moderator have agreed that the task should take no longer than 28 hours.


If there is a demo as part of the assessment, these will happen on a Friday AS LONG AS the students have pre-submitted before the demo i.e. by the normal deadlines. Students who have memos would have until their negotiated deadline (see below) and can demo the following week.


These are the arrangements that can be negotiated for a student with a memo. Remember that this is not a guarantee to all memo students, it’s to be negotiated and has to be agreed in advance: For students with support memos up to 25% additional time may be allowed. For Professional Practice Full Weeks this is an additional 7 hours – submit by Friday 5pm.


Cell Bookings


Cell D has been reserved for your exclusive use at the following times:

Monday (All Day)

Tuesday (All Day)

Wednesday (1 – 5 pm)

Thursday (12 – 5 pm)

If you are on campus on Wednesday or Thursday Morning you may use Cell G.




Schedule of events






Monday 13.01.20


PPW2 Release

Monday 13.01.20

10:00 – 11:00

Tutorial Support

Cell D

Tuesday 14.01.20

10:00 – 11:00

Tutorial Support

Cell D

Wednesday 15.01.20

1 – 2 pm

Tutorial Support

Cell D

Thursday 16.01.20

12 – 2 pm

Tutorial Support

Cell D

Friday 17.01.20


PPW2 Submission

Via Canvas


Full details of your assessment, and associated marks, are available on the following pages.


CET211 Intermediate Software Development

Professional Practice Week 2



Professional Practice Week 2 contributes 60% to your final module mark and assesses learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4.


PPW2 is designed to reflect on and assess all learning outcomes for CET211.  You will be given a series of programming and related modelling tasks.  Specifically, you will be asked to make code modifications and model the architecture of your system once all changes have been incorporated. This assignment is worth 60 marks in total and contributes 60% to your final module mark.

Modifications are listed as tasks in a scrum burndown chart. There are 4 mandatory tasks and 2 desirable tasks.  You may choose the order in which you complete each task, but you must complete all mandatory tasks plus one desirable task, for a total of 60 marks. We anticipate this assessment will constitute a maximum of 28 hours of work.  You must submit all tasks as a single visual studio solution in a zip folder on canvas, by Friday 17th January, 09:00hrs.



Sunderland Karting Association (SKA) is a local agency who organise Go Karting races in the North East region. SKA keeps records of all upcoming races in the area and have been using a prototype system for managing scheduled races, specifically Pedal and Motor Races.


The system presently allows generation of a list of races which are scheduled to happen. As a result of system testing and end user evaluations, SKA have identified a number of modifications which require development.


The prototype system has been implemented within an agile framework, and extensions will be implemented using the same software development methodology. To this effect, all desired code extensions have been summarised in the burndown chart provided below.  A description of each task has been provided within the chart.


You have been tasked with implementing and documenting all listed mandatory changes, plus one desirable task. You may choose to either update your original form-based prototype from professional practice week 1, or to use the code base on Canvas which has been provided by SKA. It is your responsibility to complete and submit the revised system (and related documentation) by Friday 17th January, 09:00 hrs.

Burndown Chart

Task Name

Task No

Task Description


Estimated Effort in Hours

1. Add Item


Create a second Form (Form2) to allow new Races to be added by the user.





Integrate Form2 into existing code base- the Race list on Form 1 should be updated when a new race is added.


2. Persist Data


Serialize Race List when application closes.





Deserialize Race  List when application opens.





Write Unit Tests to Demonstrate that Serialization and Deserialization work correctly.



3. Validate


Ensure system is robust against incorrect user input.





Throw Custom Exception (MaxCapacityExceeded) if the Race capacity is greater than 50.




Amend details of existing race on the list.



4. Edit Race Details


Update form and save changes to the list via serialization.





Demonstrate the use of an Interface to allow extensible calculation of race costs (See rules for costing provided in Appendix.)



5. Implement ICostable


Evidence above extensibility through addition of a utility class (See suggested UML model in Appendix).



6. Model


Create UML Model to represent the system in its entirety (with no suppression of relevant information).




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