This assignment is due Friday, May 8. This assignment assesses your ability to analyse
and integrate principles of descriptive research (as reviewed in subsection 2a) toward
evaluating the validity of the attached descriptive research by Baron-Cohen, Richler,
Bisarya, Gurunathan, and Wheelwright (2003).
Most of the credit will be awarded for the clarity, depth and strength of your rationales
rather than for ‘correct’ answers. Two students may reach different conclusions in their
evaluations, but receive the same credit because of the quality of their rationales. Avoid
unnecessary explanation and definition of concepts as you write. There is no need to
provide references to the Unit 2a readings nor should you use direct quotations from the
readings. The essay should reflect your own understanding of the Unit 2a concepts.
The assignment should be prepared as a well-structured essay, organised according to the
issues presented in the instructions. The length of the assignment answers will vary
according to style and depth of treatment. However, typical submissions should not
exceed 2500 words. Submissions that exceed 3000 words will not be marked. Please
assist the marker by using a 12 point Times font, 2.0 line spacing, and page numbers.
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