This assignment will be checked using anti-plagiarism software and returned to your instructor with an originality report. This is a critical analysis paper on ONE of the articles posted in the Articles for Reflection Paper folder under the Assignments ta



This assignment will be checked using anti-plagiarism software and returned to your instructor with an originality report. This is a critical analysis paper on ONE of the articles posted in the Articles for Reflection Paper folder under the Assignments tab. Read the article more than 2 times. Consider what you agree with, disagree with, or find surprising. What are the deeper implications of the issues? Relate the topic to what you already know about planning or planning issues, what we have discussed in class, and what you have read from the Levy book (Contemporary Urban Planning). DO NOT JUST SUMMARIZE THE ARTICLE. The paper you write should be more than 3 full pages in length and less than 4 full pages, double spaced and 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Type your Name, PUP 301, and the Date, single-spaced, in the upper left corner of your paper. Make sure that your last name is in the top right corner of the header on every page. Give your paper a title. Be sure also to staple all the pages of your paper. Download and use the template under the Writing Guidelines tab for your papers to avoid losing points for formatting errors. You must use a formal tone and write only in third person, even if you provide personal examples. You need to cite any information that you use from all of the above-mentioned sources, especially the article you chose to write an analytic reflection on

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