Learning Outcome 1: Analyse the key characteristics of the entrepreneur in theory and practice.
This learning outcome is worth 20%, with each entry being worth 10 marks
(5%). Satisfactory presentation and APA
referencing is expected as a necessary part of the assignment. This outcome concerns the characteristics of the entrepreneur and what
had driven them to be an entrepreneur.
Approximately 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Consider how your
understanding of entrepreneurship and the characteristics required of
successful entrepreneurs has changed since the start of this course. Hint: Ask yourself– what did I understand
before the course and what do I now understand?
Analyse two
real world examples from the case studies provided in class or your own
interviews/research of an entrepreneur. Apply
and discuss at least two ‘schools of thought’
(macro and/or micro) of entrepreneurship in your answer about your selected
case studies.
Have you found that some entrepreneurs do not appear
to follow in their practice either of the theoretical entrepreneurship schools of thought you selected in question
2? Provide one example of a successful
entrepreneur that fits this picture.
Justify your argument and evaluate how this person has survived
successfully in their chosen business. Hint:
You could select a different school of thought to consider or another
theoretical framework.
As you come to the end of learning outcome one, evaluate
your own personal characteristics for
entrepreneurship. It is expected that
you will refer to at least one self-test that you have carried out in
order to evaluate yourself.
Instructions: The report
must be your own work. Any references to
others’ work must be referenced correctly using the APA referencing system (7th
There is also a set of helpful hints on EIT online to guide you in
this first assignment. See the
Assessments folder. Please ensure you
refer to those to keep you on track.
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