Conference paper writing
This note provides details of the second coursework where you are required to submit a typical 4 to 6 page double column conference paper. You will select a topic from the list provided below. This is an individual-based assessment.
Topic: Review of smart grid communication systems and IEC61850 standard
Abstract :
Clearly addressing scope of paper and methodology
Concise, follows logical structure and coherent
Key (index) words
Appropriate/relevant selection & ordering of terms
Appropriate number of terms
Introduction 25%
Good background to topic, big picture/scene setting
Relevance, importance, timeliness of topic are appropriately addressed
Highlights of previous works/efforts and identification of research problem
Presentation of paper scope and organization/structure/layout of rest of paper
Use of language, clarity of context and logical flow
Technical content
Appropriate/relevant to paper scope
Sound and correct
Depth of analysis, comprehension and addressing of details (e.g. principles, capability and limitation analysis, comparison, future development etc..) Discussion, comments and self-evaluation is constructive and critical
Clearly identifying outcomes/findings vs being a mere summary
References 10%
Appropriate sources used (journals, books....etc) and relevant to topic
Adequate in number
Correct reference style used and correctly cited in text
In the past decade Our Electricity system was designed on a principle of UNI- directional power flow from generating stations to consumers by involving operations like Generation, transmission and distribution. Most of the Energy generated by using fossil fuels like nuclear, gas and coal and thus its causes global warming and even lack of energy sources in the world. Rising the electricity demand in the world also drift us to depend on renewable energy sources.
However, Due to increase of renewable energy generation the Existing grid which has flaws in electricity control resulted huge blackouts in the industries and residentials. To overcome the existing flaws a smart systems are introduced in the electricity market by replacing an Existing Grid with Smart Grid.
Smart grid is the formation of IT + electric grid and also called intelligent grid or future grid and it is an enhancement of the 20th century power grid. Smart grid develops on a principle of two way flows of electricity and it uses digital technologies, sensors and software abilities in an Electricity generation, transmission , distribution and prosumer
Smart grid have started with the idea of Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to improve energy efficiency and Energy management on consumers side by using energy storage systems communication between the smart grid and customers, this two way communications allows energy consumers to receive accurate real-time prices and bills and even grid operator can receive real time information about the consumed energy from consumers side.
In this paper, discussing about following
Section A: Existing power system communication
Section B: Communication Network architecture in the smart grid.
Section C: Smart Grid communication requirements
Section D: Cyber Security in the Smart grid and challenges
Section E: Smart grid standards
Section F: Application of IEC 61850 in Smart grid substation
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