This project involves benchmarking the behavior of Java implementations of two of some well known sorting algorithms.

technical writing


Comparisons between Two Sorting Algorithms This project involves benchmarking the behavior of Java implementations of two of some well-known sorting algorithms. You must identify some critical operation to count that reflects the overall performance and modify each version so that it counts that operation. You are to write driver code to verify that these algorithms are correct and to determine their efficiency based on the number of times that the critical operation is executed and the running time of each test. Your driver code should examine the result of each call to verify that the data has been properly sorted. Use the attached input files containing numbers in ascending order, descending order, and randomly generated. WARNING: However, running times for O(n*n) algorithms can be quite long. Create O (n*n) sorting algorithms and one of the O (n log n) sorting algorithms. The Average result of 10 runs for each test should be used to calculate for the first 250 numbers from each file and be displayed. It should be able to be adjusted to the full 1000 numbers to calculate the average time of 10 runs if needed. If possible all 3 text files should be used in the 2 separate sorting algorithms each and output displayed for the average 10 runs. You will be testing input files containing numbers in ascending order, descending order, and randomly generated for the time complexity.

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