Welcome to the C Programming project for ENGGEN131 2019! This project is organized around a series of tasks. For each task there is a problem description, and you must implement one function to solve that problem. You may, of course, define other functions which these required functions call upon (i.e. these are called helper functions). Do your very best, but don’t worry if you cannot complete every task. You will get credit for each task that you do solve (and you may get partial credit for tasks solved partially).
IMPORTANT - Read carefully This project is an assessment for the ENGGEN131 course. It is an individual project. You do not need to complete all of the tasks, but the tasks you do complete should be an accurate reflection of your capability. You may discuss ideas in general with other students, but writing code must be done by yourself. No exceptions. You must not give any other student a copy of your code in any form – and you must not receive code from any other student in any form. There are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
Please follow this advice while working on the project – the penalties for plagiarism (which
include your name being recorded on the misconduct register for the duration of your degree,
and/or a period of suspension from Engineering) are simply not worth the risk.
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