Directions: This review is untimed, closed-textbook, closed-notes (except for your formula sheet), and open-STATA help (within STATA software only, not any help pages on the internet). You may start and stop as much as you like, but once you start the exam, you are not permitted to consult the textbook, your or others’ notes, other people, or any other resource, except your formula sheet, and the STATA help.
You are permitted to consult your do-files from labs, but no one else’s.
You should use Stata to do your work, but may use Excel or a calculator if you find them useful. Report
all final answers to 3 decimal places, unless otherwise directed. Do not round; report the decimal places
you see in Stata.
There are 100 points on the exam. Each problem is worth 20 points.
You must show all your work to receive full credit.Any assumptions you make and intermediate steps should be clearly indicated. Do not simply write down a final answer to the problems without an explanation.
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