This technical writing project will be on the topic of commercial drones available to the everyday consumer. It will be informational as well as instructional. It will include an overview of commercial drone systems, as well as cover selection of specific

technical writing


This technical writing project will be on the topic of commercial drones available to the everyday consumer. It will be informational as well as instructional. It will include an overview of commercial drone systems, as well as cover selection of specific components to fit a range of budgets. Different types of drones will be discussed as well, including recommendations for the best system to purchase. Audience: The audience for this topic will be consumers who have little to no experience with commercial drones. These are people who are planning on purchasing their first system or want to upgrade to a larger system. The typical demographic of the audience will be men and women, ages 16-45, with an interest aviation and recreational drone use and want to know which system to purchase based on their needs. This same demographic is also familiar with other modern technology, so this training will be offered through digital resources such as a smartphone or web application. This audience will have an expectation of learning how to choose and the best drone system with different options that fit their budget. The research report will present the findings of your research project with appropriate in-text citations and a list of references which MUST follow APA format. This report should follow the typical format for reports with recommendations. Itmust include a balanced mix of primary, secondary, and tertiary research. Final report should include at least 10 sources. Your report should convince the audience of the report’s credibility. Attached is a sample report for context.

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