To demonstrate your ability to engage in independent research and present your findings in a cogent and interesting format, prepare a power point presentation that explores an aspect of dance that is of particular interest to you but is not covered in gre

social sciences


To demonstrate your ability to engage in independent research and present your findings in a cogent and interesting format, prepare a power point presentation that explores an aspect of dance that is of particular interest to you but is not covered in great depth in our reading or lectures. You might present an illustrated exploration of the history and significance of a particular social dance such as the polka, the tango, etc. You might present an illustrated exploration of the life and work of someone who had made a significant contribution to society through dance. You might do something a little more personal. Here are some other suggested topics; “Aerial Dance”, “Percussive Dance” “The Place of Dance in Ritual” “Dances of my Ancestors” A title slide with your name on it is necessary, as is a slide (or more) containing bibliographic information. It will take at least 15 slides will do the job.

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