To increase your understanding of Global Marketing issues, you have been perusing several course-related materials, including video lectures, the textbook, classic and contemporary journal readings and HBS (Harvard Business Study) cases.




To increase your understanding of Global Marketing issues, you have been perusing several course-related materials, including video lectures, the textbook, classic and contemporary journal readings and HBS (Harvard Business Study) cases. In order to assess if your learning has increased, you will be asked questions that are related to the course materials in class to engender discussion on key concepts and issues. The questions that appear in the Module 11 Discussion Questions document below are questions you must address.

Use any resources necessary (e.g., text, video lectures, etc.) in answering the discussion questions. Please remember that your explanations to the discussion questions above must be substantive, clear, deliberate, and meaningful detailed essays.

For an answer to be considered excellent, first show that you know the meaning of the concept or theory being discussed by providing a definition of it and then briefly discussing its tenets and its core components. Then, answer the question by articulating your position as best you can and defending your perspective, if necessary. If you provide short answers and leave the reader guessing as to the intent of your answer, then your answer is incomplete and will be graded as such.


HBS Case: Minolta Camera Company


  • Cateora, P., M.C. Gilly and J. Graham (2020), International Marketing (18th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN-13: 978-1259712357

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