Topics: legal principles, rights, credentialing/scope of practice, legal employment qualifications (I-9, EEOC, etc.), HIPPA (confidentiality, privacy, security), consent, legal representation (POA, Guardian, etc.), abuse reporting, organizational regulations (staffing, etc.), end of life, federal/state regulations and future implications in healthcare law A list of twelve multiple choice questions, one for each of the twelve topics from the Module 5 milestone, that could be used as a post-test following the new employee orientation to the legal handbook A reference page(s) formatted in APA (utilizing the sources identified in the attached files and any extras) A minimum of four academic sources. Paper Requirements: Eight to ten pages in length, not including the title or reference page 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced APA-level headings Submit an academic written paper developing an organization’s employee legal handbook that could be utilized during new employee orientation. A description of the organization you developed (see attached files of some of the facility's information) A listing of all employee professions or disciplines (see attached files of some of the facility's information) A list of the topics developed in the Module 5 milestone (see attached file) A paragraph or two defining and discussing the significance of each specific topic and how it applies to the new employee entering your healthcare organization
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