Unit 4 Chapter 13 AssignmentGrading Information The filesmust be called The filesmust be called (LiFi= LastInitial FirstInitial)

computer science


Unit 4 Chapter 13 AssignmentGrading Information The filesmust be called The filesmust be called (LiFi= LastInitial FirstInitial) Proper coding conventions required the first letter of the class start with a capitalletter and the first letter of each additional word start with a capital letter. Only submit the .javafilesneeded to make the program run. Do not submit the.classfilesor any other files. 5% Style Components Include properly formatted prologue, comments, indenting, and other style elementsas shown in Chapter 2 starting page 64 and Appendix 5 page 881-892. 5% Topics covered in chapter Topics with * are covered in this assignment. 

Composition and Aggregation*Inheritance*Constructors in a SubclassMethod Overriding*Final Access Modifier Basic Requirements Write a program that tracks an investment for 1 person based on the input of an interest rate.The initial balance should be $2,000. The interest should be added to the balance and outputin table format as shown in the supplied sample. LiFiUnit4Ch13.java oInstantiate an investor1 objectusing a two parameter constructorpassing the account number 1001 and the initial balance of $2,000oGet input for interest rate(in the format .08 for 8%)oOutput header as per sample showing interest rateoPrint the table using a for loop displaying the current month and calling:getBalance() to display the current balance(See sample) 45%

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