Create a basic html file (there are plenty examples in the homework files). Use JavaScript to create a dataset of three variables, by generating random integers. The dataset should contain 20 integer triples between 10
and 50. So it will look like [[11, 21, 12], [21, 49, 30], ...]. Create a barchart using the first variable as the height of the bar, the second for the width of each bar, and the third for the fill opacity of the bar. You should use scales for the second and third variables. Show a text with the height of the bar on each bar (or above); use a solid color (with different opacity) for the bars, such as blue, red, etc. Add hovering effect for each bar (to change its color). Add a scaling capability (when you click a paragraph in the html file, the height of the bar is changed to 1/2). You need to use version 6 of the D3 library for this.
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