valuate one of the major ethical theories we have discussed in this second portion



Evaluate one of the major ethical theories we have discussed in this second portion of the course (Kantianism, Aristotelian virtue ethics, Aquinas’s ethics, or divine command theory) by advancing your own arguments for or against it, OR evaluate one of the arguments for or against one of these ethical theories (such as the “too many rules” objection to Kantianism, Kant’s “misuse” argument for his claim that only a good will is intrinsically valuable, Anscombe’s argument for virtue ethics, or Aquinas’s “desire argument”). A good paper will need to include a clear and careful statement of the theory and/or argument you are evaluating. IMPORTANT: do not just give me a laundry list of objections against one of the theories; that amounts to just a book report of what we did in class. Really dig in to an argument and give your own original evaluation of the argument. Evaluate the impact of one of the major ethical theories we have discussed on a particular applied ethics debate, such as abortion, sexual ethics, just war, drug use, etc. A good paper will need to include a clear and careful statement of the major ethical theory under discussion. Evaluate one of the positions or arguments we’ve read on the following topics: the relationship of religion to morality, abortion, and sexual ethics. Be sure to engage the readings. I prefer that your essay in some way relate this debate to the debate over general ethical theories, though I do not require it.

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