1. Newton Raphson Method
Using Newton Rapson Method, Propose a PE application and solve it
2. VBA Programming: Using Excel as the interface, implement a NsimulatorM that can be used to determine the frictional pressure loss ¡n pipe.
a. list all the in put paramters: (flow rate, density, pipe inclination angle, pipe
diameter ...)
b. Use an option button, to switch between “Newtonian” and Non-Newto
fian” fluids
c. For Newtonian fluid, display the input for viscosity; and for non-Newto
nian fluids, display a listbox in which power-law and Binham Plastic mod
els are listed. Display the corresponding Rheology parameters based on
the selection of non-Newtonian model
d. Using a “run” button, when it is clicked, do: Collect all input, write to a file,
then call a python program to do the computation, write the results to an
outrut file. Back to VRA load the results and show the data in the spread
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