We are releasing the p.txt and w.txt word search/list files that are shown in the project description. We are also releasing two additional word searches and word lists: one about famous people in computer science, and one about dog breeds. If your code i



We are releasing the p.txt and w.txt word search/list files that are shown in the project description. We are also releasing two additional word searches and word lists: one about famous people in computer science, and one about dog breeds. If your code is fully functional, it should work with all three of these word searches. (The last two words in each list are not in the word search.) You can download all six of the files by running the following command in your proj2 directory. (As always, remember to include the period at the end.) cp /afs/umbc.edu/users/k/k/k38/pub/cs201/PROJ2_files/* . so download all six of the files from the link. Make sure to write comments and a function header comments see the coding standards. use def main in the code and the functions . The person who will take this assignment should not see this assignment before. I do not want just to copy and past from other students who are in my class. in the code of the project , do not use if __name__ == '__main__': , write comments, do not use complicated method make it simple as you can. we took while loop , for loop, tuple ,... use the function in order to reduce the code

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