Week 1 Q1: Is the myth of a blue wall of silence or thin blue line in policing in the U.S. a current reality? What is your response based on?Week 1 Q2: In principle, a law enforcement agency should be composed of people representative of the community, although in reality, this is rarely the case. Traditionally, most officers have been white males. For example, the FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2009 shows that nationwide only 11.9% of sworn officers are female (FBI, 2009).
Find a local or regional agency and research its demographics. Does it have a "traditional" makeup? Look for race and ethnicity as well as gender. How does it compare to the community? Does the agency espouse a community oriented policing philosophy? What did you learn?Make sure you read the discussion board grading and expectations in the discussion boardFederal Bureau of Investigation (2009). Table 74 - Crime in the United States. Retrieved July 6, 2011 from http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2009/data/table_74.html
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