What considerations with respect to your experimental design should you propose?



As a recent graduate of RMIT University you have recently been employed (3-year contract) by a world-renowned infectious diseases institute located in Victoria, Australia. You are required to investigate the effects of the novel small molecule anti-viral (DAD030981) to determine the global metabolic changes which take place in the tissue of lungs of monkeys infected by SARS-CoV-2 (Infected Group) vs the tissue of lungs of healthy monkeys (Control Group). You have been asked by your laboratory head to design and carry out a “metabolomics experiment.”

Q1. Your laboratory head has asked you to briefly prepare an experimental design so he can first approve this and then discuss with you how you are going to prepare samples and analyse them. 

What kind of metabolomics approach has your lab head suggested and why? 

What considerations with respect to your experimental design should you propose?

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