What is pseudocode? Why is it a useful way to describe a solution? Give an example problem and discuss the inputs and outputs. What variable names would you use? What data types would they be? A typical process in any program design involves assignment st



What is pseudocode? Why is it a useful way to describe a solution? Give an example problem and discuss the inputs and outputs. What variable names would you use? What data types would they be? A typical process in any program design involves assignment statements. What is an assignment statement? What is the syntax of an assignment statement? Read the case study 3.1 on pages 103–104 of the text. The Keflavik Paper Company is a case with the problem of determining a project management process for new product development. Answer the following questions: What does this case demonstrate about the effect of poor project screening methods on a firm’s ability to manage projects effectively? How would project portfolio management help to improve the situation at Keflavik? If you think about it, all business problems are case studies. To effectively evaluate the situation, you must approach the problem in a methodological manner.

 A proven technique to do this is to list the facts; identify the issues; based on the facts of the case and your knowledge, analyze the issues of the case; prepare recommended solutions and their possible outcomes; implement the optimal solution (not always the one with the best outcome, since the cost or other things could be impractical); and monitor the implementation and the outcomes. So when you read and prepare to respond to this case, please follow the above guidelines. I don't necessarily expect you to perform steps 4–6, but I do expect your response to be based on the facts and your knowledge. Remember—your first impressions may not be correct!

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