What is Rhetoric? When writing to persuade this audience, you will use rhetoric to make your case. What is Community?



What is Rhetoric? When writing to persuade this audience, you will use rhetoric to make your case. What is Community? Now, describe the community on which you plan to focus your writing. Who is the target audience in that community? Next, explain what type of rhetorical approach would be most effective in reaching that audience. For example, if you are writing to your town’s Chief of Police to convince him or her that stricter enforcement of a ban on texting while driving leads to reduced incidents of a traffic violation, which type of rhetorical appeal(s) will be most influential in making your case? Perhaps an appeal that uses logos to provide logical evidence that supports your claim would be the strongest approach, but how would ethos and pathos also influence this target audience in different ways? What will make a rhetorical piece of writing effectively to your community?

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