When answering the question how would I rank the five major areas in sports communications?



SPM 339 MP

Cornealius C. Simmons

January 23, 2020

Assignment: Chapter II Discussion

Instructor: Dr. Karla Jones


            When answering the question how would I rank the five major areas in sports communications? I would begin with management and individuals in the management area of expertise. The importance of management in the sport industry truly is a hidden gem of opportunity that guides sport into new boundaries. The CEO of a sports broadcasting network will need multiple set of skills to retain current viewers and increase new viewers. Management gives the company vision that connects and maximizes others with the same mission and goals.

            The second major area is the medium of media; the ability to personalize sport and connect has grown sport to a new zenith. When we tune into ESPN or the evening news waiting to see the highlights and memorable comments by our recognizable sports broadcaster we expect to be entertained with cool words and sayings, do not forget knowledge.  Media, the ability to write a blog and appear in person on a network makes media an invigorating vocation that expands daily with technology. Even though we have less printed material, instant news in the form of Facebook, Snapchat just to name a few will continue to grow and reshape media.

            I would rank the support services industry and the entertainment industry as fast growing opportunities in sport. Even though there are more career choices in support services, the entertainment industry has it hold on the imagination of youth and gamers. With the emergence of esport the need for video game designers will increase greatly expanding the field entertainment. The lowest area would include the miscellaneous things that included media researcher, sport media buyers and sport communication educator.

In conclusion, support services has the most abundance of opportunities, but the demand is strong in the sport career world for dedicated trained professionals. The sport professional who is open to working in different areas of sport will benefit the most if he or she is willing to adjust, an example, someone who has only worked in baseball media, takes the position of sports information director for a hockey team.

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