Who was Maria Celeste Galilei? How does Sobel's placing of her at the centre of the story change your understanding of Galileo and his times?



Some Questions

Who was Maria Celeste Galilei?  How does Sobel's placing of her at the centre of the story change your understanding of Galileo and his times?

What most surprised you about Galileo's Daughter?

What were the strengths and weaknesses of Sobel's book?

What image of Galileo himself emerges from these pages?

How would you begin the assess the complex dynamic between religion and science in Galileo's Daughter?

Describe Galileo's relationship with the Catholic Church?  How would you compare and contrast Galileo's conflict with the Church with that of Martin Luther?

How would you compare and contrast the relationship between religion and science in Galileo's day with our own time?

How do major events and movements in the history of Early Modern Europe intercede into the story told in Galileo's Daughter (egs. the Reformation, the Council of Trent, the Plague, the Thirty Years' War)?  To what extent did having these woven into a story influence your understanding of the events and movements themselves?

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