Why should you learn SQL?



Why should you learn SQL? Technology is drastically changing the accounting industry…and structured query language (SQL) is one of the technologies that students should know (AICPA 2019).  SQL as the standard language used to communicate with relational database management systems (RDBMS).  A majority of business data are stored in RDBMS.  To access and analyze these data, accountants need knowledge of relational databases and SQL.  This assignment provides you an opportunity to apply (SQL) in the data processing cycle.    Assignment Overview   This is an individual assignment to be completed on your computer (PC or Mac).  You are allowed to discuss the assignment with others in the class, but you may not copy.  You will have class time to work on the assignment and ask me questions, but you may also need to work on the assignment outside of class (recommended).  My instructional student assistant (ISA) will also be available in class to answer questions.  You may also email me specific questions.

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