Write a 1-page summary describing how to determine the number of host and subnets needed for this task and how to determine the custom subnet mask. Include as part of the paper: A table identifying for each subnet, the subnet address, subnet mask in dotte



Write a 1-page summary describing how to determine the number of host and subnets needed for this task and how to determine the custom subnet mask. Include as part of the paper: A table identifying for each subnet, the subnet address, subnet mask in dotted decimal, highest useable address, lowest useable address, and broadcast address The IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address for the printer in the Sales office and the printer in the Business office Your network diagram should show the addressing scheme for the router, switches, servers, and printer interfaces and the network addresses for the two existing subnets. Recommended connectivity protocols to the WAN and for future expansion using 2 additional routers within the organization.

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