Write a SELECT statement that returns three columns from two tables, all using column aliases:

computer science


1.) Write a SELECT statement that returns three columns from two tables, all using column aliases:

Vendor - VendorName column
Date - InvoiceDate column
Number - InvoiceNumber column

Sort the final result by Vendor and Date

Hint: Use an INNER JOIN

2.) Write a SELECT statement that returns four columns:

VendorContact (column alias) - From the Vendor table - A concatenation of VendorContactFName and VendorContactLName with a space in between.
InvoiceNumber - From the Invoices table
InvoiceDate - From the Invoices table
Balance - InvoiceTotal minus PaymentTotal and CreditTotal

Sort the final result by Balance, descending.  The result set should have a row for each invoice with a non-zero balance.

Hint: Use an INNER JOIN

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